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Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan

In accordance with UK pension regulations and associated guidance, below are links to copies of the prevailing documents that are required to be published in a format available to the public, as approved by the trustee board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

1. Statement of Investment Principles, April 2023

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent Statement of Investment Principles, as signed by the chair of the board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

Statement of Investment Principles, April 2023
SIP - April 2023.pdf 3MB

2. Implementation Statement

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent Implementation Statement.

Implementation Statement, September 2022
Implementation Statement 30-09-22 (1).pdf 1MB

3. Chair of the Trustee’s Governance Statement

In accordance with the UK Pensions Regulator’s guidance we have attached below a link to a copy of the most recent signed Chair’s Statement as prepared by the chair of the board of the Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited Pension Plan.

Chair of the Trustee’s Governance Statement, September 2022
Chair's Statement 30-09-22.pdf 1MB